BETA +1 (323) 686-6200


Snoozr: Postponed messaging

Snoozr lets you set texts, calls and emails to be sent to you at a set time.

Send me a text message in 40 minutes
Text us:

Meet Elliot for drink. #40m

Call me at this time tomorrow
Text us:

@call #1d

Documentation Back to top

Time Triggers

Understanding time triggers is central to using Snoozr. Time triggers can be relative (i.e. text me in 3 hours) or absolute (i.e. text me at 4:00pm). All time triggers must appear at the end of a text.

Important: Currently, only relative time triggers are available. Absolute time triggers will be available shortly.

Relative Time Triggers

Relative time triggers take the following format


where {n} is an integer and {i} is the time interval.

The following intervals are currently available on Snoozr:

m - minutes
h - hours
d - days
w - weeks


#5m //5 minutes from now.
#2h //2 hours from now.
#1d //1 day from now.
#5w //5 weeks from now.
Important: The time trigger must appear at the very end of your text.

Tip: Need more granularity than the currently available time intervals? Just use the next smallest interval of time. For example, if you want a text sent to you in an hour and a half, just use #90m.

Absolute Time Triggers

Coming soon...

Action Triggers

Action triggers allow you to interact with Snoozr. Action triggers take the following format


where {command} is a Snoozr command

The following commands are currently available on Snoozr:

@snooze Snooze a received text alert until later.

@call Set a call alert.

@cancel Cancel a set alert before receiving.

@help Get a list of help commands. This will return a further set of help commands.

@mayday Send a support request

@feedback Send us feedback by adding your feedback after the @feedback command.

Important: Action triggers must appear at the very beginning of your text.
Text Alerts

Setting a Text Alert

Simply send a text with a time trigger to +13236866200

Pick up milk #3m

This will text you back with "Pick up milk" 3 minutes from now.

Additional examples:

Pick up milk #30m //Receive the text in 30 minutes.
Pick up milk #1h //Receive the text in 1 hour.
Pick up milk #3d //Receive the text in 3 days.
Pick up milk #2w //Receive the text in 2 weeks.
Important: The time trigger must be the last segment of your text.

Tip: If you don't put a time trigger, Snoozr will use 1 day as a default.

Tip: You can text just a time trigger to receive a generic text alert.

You can have as many active text alerts as you wish.

Snoozing a Text Alert

Want to hit the "snooze button" upon receiving a text alert to have that alert resent to you at a later time?

@snooze #5m // Will re-send you the same alert in 5 minutes.

Cancelling a Text Alert

To cancel your set text alerts, just text @cancel

@cancel //Will cancel all your set text alerts.
Important: Currently, texting @cancel will cancel all of your set text alerts. The ability to cancel specific text alerts while keeping the rest active will be coming soon.
Call Alerts

Setting a Call Alert

Simply send a text with the command @call and a time trigger to +13236866200

@call #20m

Snoozr will call you 20 minutes from now.

Additional examples:

@call #30m //Receive the call in 30 minutes.
@call #1h //Receive the call in 1 hour.
@call #3d //Receive the call in 3 days.
@call #2w //Receive the call in 2 weeks.
Important: The @call command must be the first segment of your text and the time trigger must be the last segment of your text.

Tip: If you don't put a time trigger, Snoozr will use 1 day as a default.

You can have as many active call alerts as you wish.

Important: Currently, snoozing and cancelling call alerts is not available. These options will be coming shortly.

Send @help to see a list of help options.


@help-commands Gives you a list of commands you can text to Snoozr

@help-time Instructions regarding time triggers.

@help-text Instructions for setting a text alert.

@help-snooze Instructions for snoozing an alert.

@help-cancel Instructions for cancelling an alert.

@help-support Information for getting customer support.

@mayday Submits a request for support.

FAQ Back to top

What is Snoozr?

Snoozr is a simple reminder app that lets you schedule delayed text messages, calls and emails. Just send us an instruction and we'll send you the alerts when you want them.

Do I need to register?

Right now, no! Just text us to start using Snoozr!

Who does Snoozr target?

Snoozr is made for those who want simple reminders without dealing with complex calendaring and reminder software. Snoozr may complement your existing calendar and/or todo software, or it may replace it!

Why wouldn't I just use my calendar or todo software?

Sometimes you just need a quick reminder about something, whether important or trivial. Sure, you can use the calendar or todo software on your phone and/or computer. However, that requires a lot of interaction and can gum up your calendar with a lot of little events. Snoozr lets you keep your calendar clear and only requires minimal interaction to set up your alerts.

Is Snoozr free?

Snoozr is currently free to use while in beta. However, text messages and data fees may apply - you should check with your carrier.

Is Snoozr ready for primetime?

Snoozr is currently in beta. While we think it is ready for primetime, we need you to help us test it. There may be a few kinks here and there, so we ask that you be understanding and help us iron out any wrinkles.

Is Snoozr secure?

Snoozr is built using secure architecture. However, encryption isn't possible with text messages, so texts are stored and transmitted in plaintext. Therefore, please don't include in alerts any sensitive information.

What features are coming?

Snoozr is launching in beta with a core feature set. Snoozr's capabilities will be expanding quickly. Text alerts and call alerts will get more advanced features and customizability. Email alerts and interactivity is coming soon as well.

How can I submit feedback?

We would really appreciate any feedback you may have. You can email us at or, better, yet, send us a text with the command @feedback